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Right Hand itching Meaning – Beliefs, astrology and scientific interpretation

Right hand itching is an interesting topic among few people. Many different culture have different kind of beliefs about itchy right hand. Over the ages it has had various meanings. Some people think that it an auspicious sign. In the other hand, some people consider it a mere superstition. In this article we will discuss the matter in detail.

Right Hand itching


There are old thoughts about itchy right hand which has special place in different cultures.

  • Indications of money coming: Some people believe that itchy right hand means money is coming. It is very popular belief among many people. It is considered as auspicious sign.
    • When Money Comes: According to popular belief, it indicates a sudden gain or reward. It could be business profits or money from an unexpected source.
  • Warning: Also, some people think that right hand itching is a sign of money is coming but if that people is not utilizing that money wisely then that money can be wasted quickly.

Astrological Perspective

As per the astrological and karma perspective, the meaning of itchy right hand interpreted in various ways. Some believers in astrology believe that the right hand of a man indicates money or work opportunities. But for a women it is opposite. An itchy left hand can be symbol of money coming for a woman.

  • For Men: An itchy right hand indicates money, opportunity or good luck for men.
  • For Women: In women itchy left hand can symbolize money or gain.
  • Indications of good times: Many astrologers believe that an itchy right hand foretells a new opportunity, improvement at work, or financial improvement.

Scientific explanation of Right Hand itching

Although, the astrology is mysterious, but the modern science provides you a different interpretation of the itchy right hand concept.

  • Skin dryness: Sometimes the itching in hand increase due to cold weather in winter season. Especially in winter, if the skin of your hand is dry in winter then the tendency of hands to itch increases. If you don’t use enough moisturizer, this problem can be prolonged. Doctor suggests to use good moisturizer in this condition.
  • Allergies: If someone has allergic skin, then the chances of hands to itch increase. Most of the allergies can be caused by many detergents, soaps or chemicals. Few allergies can be caused due to medication or specific foods. It will makes itchy skin. For this reason, it is suggested to consult with a doctor before taking any medicine.

  • Neurological problems: Also, there are few problems like nerve weakness, diabetes or stress which can cause itchy hands.
  • Skin Diseases: Few more skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis also can cause itching hand.

Influence of culture

The belief about itchy right hand has a deep impact on people’s minds. Our culture is full of superstitions or beliefs. But it is better to follow logic and caution, not superstition.

In this way the meaning of itchy right hand is completely depends on your perspective which belief you are following. It could be a spiritual indication or old belief. Or else it is just a skin problem. But the true happiness lies in focusing on our work and thinking positively.

Remedies for Right Hand Itching: Simple and Effective Steps

1. Keep hands clean

  • You can wash your hands several times a day with clean and sanitized water.
  • Also, you can use antibacterial soap to clean you hands.
  • But don’t use too much soap. It can make your skin dry.

2. Use Moisturizer

  • If your skin is dry then it can increase the itchy skin of your hands.
  • Always try to use good quality moisturizer or oil regularly to keep your skin oily. Such as coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Try to take more care of you skin during winter. This problem of dryness increases during this time.

3. Allergy or anti-itch creams

  • If you have allergy or skin problem, then you can use hydrocortisone or anti-allergy cream from the pharmacy. But always try to consult with a doctor before use it.
  • If the itching is too much, you can take antihistamine medicine on doctor’s advice.

4. Avoid chemical products

  • When you are using detergents, soaps, or sanitizers you can use gloves.
  • Always try to avoid applying chemical products directly to the skin.

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