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How to remove water from Ears: 5 easy Steps

How to remove water from Ears: Sometimes you may experience water trapped in your ear canal after finishing a swim or shower. In this situation you may feel muffled sounds in your ears. Also, it is an unpleasant and irritating sensation. It could potentially lead to an ear infection as well. Generally, our ears have its own system to drain the water but sometimes it will take time. Till then you may feel this irritation in your ears. In this article, we will discuss about how to remove water from Ears with easy steps.

If you are taking bath in a swimming pool or sea beach, there is a possibility that some water may stuck in your ears. And you may feel irritation until the water drains from your ears. It’s not very much difficult to get water out of your ear on your own. Let’s check some steps to remove water from your ears.

How to remove water from Ears

How to remove water from Ears

1. Make gravity do the work

Is this step sounds simple right? True. Gravity will work for you and this can be an effective option. 

  • First you need to lie on your side with the water-filled ear facing down.
  • Then put a towel or pillow under your head.
  • Due to gravity some of water emit from your ears after few minutes.
  • There is another option you can tilt your head, pull your earlobe down, and then shake your head gently.

2. Creating a Vacuum

To get some reverse pressure using the palms in the ear and vacuum the water out will be a good option.

  • First you need to tilt your head so that the ear with water is facing up. 
  • After that you need to use your palm to cover ear tightly. 
  • Moving your palm gently to create a vacuum effect. 
  • Keep your head down so that the water can come out. 

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3.  Trying More Water

There will be another solution like adding more water in the ear canal. Sometimes this process can flush out trapped water. 

  • First, you need to lie down with the affected ear facing up. 
  • Then put a few drops of water in that affected ear with a clean dropper. 
  • Now wait for some times and turn over with the affected ear now facing down. 
  • You may observe the water drain out together with the trapped water. 

4. Using a Blow Dryer

There is another option to remove water from ear is to use a blow dryer. But be very careful to avoid burns. First you need to adjust the dryer to the lowest heat and speed so that it will not affect your ears. Don’t forget to keep the dryer at least 12 inches away from your ear.

Also, you can pull your earlobe gently so that the warm air go into your ear. This process can help to remove water from you ear.

5. Jiggling Your Earlobe

One of the simplest ways to get rid of trapped water is to Jiggling your earlobe. After this step there is a chance that the water may move and drain out. 

  • First, try to tilt your head towards your affected shoulder. 
  • Now jiggle your earlobe gently while your head is tilted.
  • Then check properly if there is any water comes out onto a towel or tissue. 

In this above steps you can easily remove water from you ears. Also, there are some additional steps like Trying Eardrops or Sprays or Homemade remedies you can follow to dry out water. But if the situation goes critical or you feel some discomfort please contact a specialist doctor or visit nearest health care provider.

Don’t do this to remove water from ear –

Here are some general tips not to do while removing water from ear,

  • Don’t put any objects into the ear canal, such as cotton swabs, paperclips, or bobby pins
  • Do not put the fingers or fingernails into the ears, it can cause deep cut into ear
  • Don’t place fans, blow dryers, or things that force air into the ear very close to the ear

If this water persist for long time please consult with a doctor. If you have any allergy related issue do not apply anything with out consult with a health care person.

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