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How Much Water Should You Drink Daily for good health?

Drinking water is very important and healthy part in our daily life. Our body has full of 60% water and this water plays important role in every cell of the body. We need to drink a certain amount of water daily to maintain functionality of our body. But many of us don’t know how much water we should drink everyday. In this article we will discuss How Much Water Should You Drink everyday?

Why is drinking water important?

Drinking water is very important for various functions of our body. Here are some of the main reasons why drinking water is important:

  • Improve Digestion: If you are drinking adequate water then it will improve digestion and prevents constipation. It helps in digestion and helps the food to pass through the stomach easily.
  • Body temperature regulation: Water helps to regulate our body temperature. Our body temperature maintained through sweating and breathing and this requires adequate water to drink.
  • Removal of toxins: Water helps to remove toxins from our body through the kidneys. It helps to keep our blood purified.
  • Keeping skin beautiful: Enough of drinking water can help to keep the skin glowing and smooth. Water keeps our skin moist and prevents wrinkles. Those who are skin conscious should drink enough water everyday.
  • Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids: As our body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include circulation, digestion, absorption, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

How Much Water Should You Drink
Drinking Water (Credit – Photo by Adrienn:

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How much water should you drink a day?

How much water we should drink everyday depends on different factors. Generally, the following amounts of water are recommended for an adult:

  • For men: About 3.7 liters (13 cups) per day
  • For women: About 2.7 liters (9 cups) per day

However, this above mentioned water amount is only a general guideline. But the actual amount of water to drink depends on many other different aspect. Such as the person’s weight, age, environment, and daily activity.

You can calculate the required water you need to drink everyday by using this Daily Water Intake Calculator.

** Also this amount of drinking water is an approximately value. Consult with a doctor to know the exact amount of water you need to drink.

How do you know you are drinking enough water?

Here we can observe some simple things to know if our body is getting enough water or not:

  1. Color of Urine: If the color of your urine is clear or light yellow, then you know you are drinking enough water. But if Dark urine color is dark yellow then it may indicate dehydration or you are not drinking enough water.
  2. Thirst: When you feel thirsty, you know that your body needs water. However, many times our body can face water shortage before we feel thirsty, so we should drink water regularly.
  3. Dry skin: If the skin feels dry, you may be dehydrated. Drinking enough water keeps the skin hydrated and reduces dryness.
  4. Headache: Not drinking enough water can cause headaches. Dehydration affects brain function, which can cause headaches.

Some Tips for drinking enough water everyday :

Here below are some useful tips so that you can improve your water drinking habits and drink the right amount of water:

  • Drink a glass of water in the morning: Drink a glass of water when you start your day. It will help to keep your body hydrated and improves digestion.
  • Drink water before and after meals: Also, drinking water before and after meals improves digestion and keeps the body hydrated.
  • Always carry a water bottle with you: Always try to keep a water bottle with you and drink water regularly. It will help you drink enough water everyday.
  • Drink fruit juices and soups: Not only water, you can consume water through fruit juices and soups. It will also help to keep the body hydrated.
  • Set an alarm : If you forget to drink water, you can set an alarm on your smartphone. This will remind you to drink water regularly.

So, regularly enough drinking water is very important for our body. Drinking sufficient water will keep you refresh and healthy. So improve your water drinking habits from today and live a healthy life.

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